Teenage is that phase of life, when one tries to discover life and makes attempts to unfold the mysteries of life or it could be said that a teenager finds himself/herself trapped in this complex world. A teenager therefore searches for a true friend, with whom he/she can share all his/her troubles or is in need of a friend who would help him/her to cope with the challenges offered by life. Therefore it can be deducted that the root of teen love is friendship and often adulation for friends leads to infatuation.
Love is in fact the aspect due to which romance culminates into a relationship. Love is something which can't be determined or measured by anyone
In most cases it has been observed that the teenage love that does not last a lifetime but it is said that the love that one experiences as a teenager helps her/him choose the right partner in the future. The various factors that a teenager should pay heed to before getting deeply involved in a relationship are:
- See to the fact that he/she pays heed to your problems and finds happiness in your achievements. Look in to the fact that your girlfriend/boyfriend respects your decisions or opinions. Pay heed to the fact that whether he/she makes the effort to spend time with you. Take notice of the fact that, whether your lover tries to involve you in every sphere of his/her life
- s the issue here really one of durability?
Whether or not teenage relationships do last is of course a crucial issue – perhaps more so from the point of view of teenagers – but by being preoccupied with this question we ignore an equally important aspect of how teenage relationships significantly contribute to the socialization process of youth. From our own personal experiences and that of our friends’, we would tend to think that teenage relationships generally don’t last since adolescence is just the beginning of an exciting phase of human existence.